Beauty. Always be.

Beauty. Always be.

How do you forgive?

-- What is your response to all of this, How do you forgive? You need to make sure that you do what is right before God because you are only going to give an account for yourself, not others. Forgiveness is when you purify yourself by going to God and repenting. Next you may need to go to others and ask them to forgive you. It is not easy swallowing your pride and confessing your wrongs before others, even if you don't feel like you are the person in the wrong. You think that you are doing the other person a favor, but you are not, you are only hurting yourself by holding onto the hurt.
--  Let it GO! You need to realize that you are only responsible for how you behave not others; your attitude determines your altitude! The only thing that will bring you anointing and healing is the Holy Spirit. Where there is unity (Forgiveness), there is anointing and blessing! You need to have a foundation of peace in your life. Pursue it, seek it, desire it and live beyond your feelings. We are rendered powerless if we are divided and at war within ourselves. Where there is no peace, there is no power. So make every effort to live at peace with everyone. Choose today not to live angry or bitter. Choose today to forgive. 

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